Check it out. Stop Bugging Me Pest Control is on Groupon this week.
Exterior And Interior Pest Treatments From Stop Bugging Me Pest Control. Two Options Available.
SecondsBefore professional pest controllers, the only way you could get a rodent to leave your home was to buy it a miniature red convertible and convince it to take a trip down the coast. Avoid the hassle of car buying with today’s Groupon to Stop Bugging Me Pest Control. The locally owned pest company’s service area is a 50-mile radius of Seattle.
For $99, your home gets an all-around exterior pest treatment for up to 1,700 square feet (a $299 value).
For $179, your home gets an all-around interior and exterior pest treatment for up to 1,700 square feet (a $399 value).
An interior or exterior home treatment from Stop Bugging Me Pest Control rids your manor of creepy-crawlies, killing insect colonies on site and preventing future recurrence. Over the course of about an hour, the licensed technician will glaze the perimeter of your home’s foundation, spraying about a foot outward and a foot upward, extinguishing unwanted spiders, centipedes, roaches, and other unsavory, multilegged beasts, and keeping them out of your house. With more than 20 years of pest-extinguishing experience, Stop Bugging Me Pest Control will eradicate your pesky problem quicker than you can say “achaearanea”
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