Cross Spider (Garden Spider)

Shape and size:
Cross spiders can range from light yellow to orange-brown or dark grey in color. As its name suggests, the cross spider is characterized by a white cross on the back or abdomen.
Signs of a Cross Spider infestation:
Cross spiders, also known as orb-weaver spiders, build spiral wheel-shaped webs. They are most commonly found in gardens, hedgerows and next to homes with exterior lighting.
Stop Bugging Me Pest Control’s Spider Removal Service includes the following:
- Inspection – A thorough inspection will determine the level of activity. Based on the findings, your technician will create a tailored treatment plan and make recommendations for preventative measures.
- Treatment – A typical plan will include treatment of the interior baseboards and placement of glue boards to quickly eliminate spiders and general pests that act as a food source for spiders inside the home. Outside treatment consists of knocking down webs, crushing egg sacs, and the treatment of window and door frames, eaves, and foundation to help reduce activity around the home.
- Follow up – Treatment for spiders can reduce activity by 70 – 80 percent. However, due to the biology of spiders, regular follow-up treatments are recommended to protect the home against future infestations. Stop Bugging Me Pest Control customers usually see the best results from our quarterly maintenance program, which leads to a drastic reduction in spider populations.