When most people have any type of pest control problem, they simple call the exterminator. When Elin Nordegren, former wife of golfer Tiger Woods, has a pest control problem, she demolishes her house.

Nordegren decided to level her 17,000 square foot, beach front home in North Palm Beach, FL after it was discovered to be infested with termites and carpenter ants. Aside from that, the home is not up to Florida’s hurricane code. Her home builder advised her it would be easier to level the house and start from scratch.

Before the take-down, Habitat For Humanity was allowed to take as many cabinets, hardware and fixtures as possible before the wrecking crews were sent in.

Stop Bugging Me Pest Control wishes we could have been the ones to make the recommendation.

Elin Nordegren’s Florda home before being demolished for temites and carpenter ants. (Yahoo News)